Friday, July 31, 2009

Stop the Insanity (again)

From the Chicago Tribune:

"Education faces $175 million in cutbacks. Medicaid and state health insurance programs will be pared by $140 million, and the state prison system will face $125 million in cuts."

Interesting. I always thought it was the mean-spirited, hold people down Republicans that made cuts like this. We are always told that Republicans want to cut funding for schools and elderly so we had best not vote for them. I am sure there will not be much of a stink over this from the teachers unions and AARP as it is a bunch of their friends in Springfield.

This is why I probably shouldn't be a teacher, b/c I disagree with much of they say, and also b/c I'm a Republican.

Yet these same morons will get elected over and over again,just because they have a (D) after their name. Go ahead and keep voting these people in. Eventually all the producers will move out of Illinois to a lower tax,business friendly state. Leaving Illinois nothing more then a big welfare,hand out state with nobody to pay for the programs and deficits as far as the eye can see.

The chickens will come home to roost one day. I do not know what it will take,but eventually the people will wake up and demand real change.

1 comment:

Rehctaw said...

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted?

hope the school year got off with a bang.